VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM)
The following information provides descriptions for the VCE VM subjects available for study at Trinity College.
The maps displayed show links to subjects related to each other and to allow students to select an ideal pathway to their preferred senior subjects. Students can choose any combination of pathways to suit their interests as there are no prerequisites for entry into VCE, but students are strongly encouraged to select subjects that align with those that they wish to take in VCE.
Religious Education
The Religious Education of students at Trinity College is developed through being part of a community whose life, values and aims are centred upon the inspiration taken from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Church. The central aim of the Religious Education Program is to foster in students the following four aspects of human life: - awareness of Self - awareness of Others - awareness of The World - awareness of The Faith Community The program seeks to teach the content of the Catholic faith in a way which contributes to understanding and provides opportunities for students to respond in faith. Through immersion of students in the life of the school they can experience the values of a Christian community and will also be given the opportunity for participation in prayer and worship. The program develops religious literacy, incorporating an appreciation, understanding and desire to know more of the Catholic/Christian tradition, including the symbols and rituals of the community. The content of the Religious Education Program at Trinity College: - is based on the sources of our faith; - is faithful to the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church; - reflects the Core Values, Mission, and Vision of the school; - is sequential and allows for a deepening of understanding, knowledge and experience. The Religious Education of students at Trinity College uses, as its primary framework for course structure, the Awakenings Program as recommended by the Catholic Education Office Ballarat. This program draws from and incorporates the many rich developments in Religious Education over recent decades, providing opportunities and understanding relevant to the individual student, taking into account the needs, interests, abilities, cultural backgrounds and stages of development of students.
Religious Education for VCE VM studies will feature in the Personal Development Skills subject.
Explore Religious Education Career Pathways
English | English as Additional Language
English focuses on a study of Language and how it works, an appreciation of Literature in its various modes, and the development of skills for Literacy in our world. The Year 7 to 10 curriculum links directly to the VCE English Units, ensuring students are equipped with the skills required to study and respond to texts and communicate effectively in both oral and written forms.
Accreditation Period: 2024-2028
The study of English empowers students to read, write, speak and listen in different contexts. VCE English and English as an Additional Language (EAL) prepares students to think and act critically and creatively, and to encounter the beauty and challenge of their contemporary world with compassion and understanding. Students work to collaborate and communicate widely, and to connect with our complex and plural society with confidence.
Through engagement with texts drawn from a range of times, cultures, forms and genres, and including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and voices, students develop insight into a varied range of ideas. They extend their skills in responding to the texts they read and view, and their abilities in creating original texts, further expanding their language to reflect accurately the purpose, audience and context of their responses.
By developing broad skills in communication and reflection, the study of English enables students to participate in their diverse, dynamic and multicultural world productively and positively.
There are no prerequisites for entry to Units 1, 2 and 3. Students must undertake Unit 3 prior to undertaking Unit 4.
Unit 1: Reading and Exploring Texts / Crafting Texts In Study Area 1, students engage in reading and viewing texts with a focus on personal connections with the story. They discuss and clarify the ideas and values presented by authors through their evocations of character, setting and plot, and through investigations of the point of view and/or the voice of the text. They develop and strengthen inferential reading and viewing skills, and consider the ways a text’s vocabulary, text structures and language features can create meaning on several levels and in different ways. In Study Area 2, students engage with and develop an understanding of effective and cohesive writing. They apply, extend and challenge their understanding and use of imaginative, persuasive and informative text through a growing awareness of situated contexts, stated purposes and audience. Students read and engage imaginatively and critically with mentor texts that model effective writing. Through guided reading of mentor texts, students develop an understanding of the diverse ways that vocabulary, text structures, language features and ideas can interweave to craft compelling texts. They consider these texts through knowledge of the ways purpose, context (including mode) and audience influence and shape writing.
Unit 2: Reading and Exploring Texts / Exploring Argument In Study Area 1, students develop their reading and viewing skills, including deepening their capacity for inferential reading and viewing, to further open possible meanings in a text, and to extend their writing in response to text. Students will develop their skills from Unit 1 through an exploration of a different text type from that studied in Unit 1. Students read or view a text, engaging with the ideas, concerns and tensions, and recognise ways vocabulary, text structures, language features and conventions of a text work together to create meaning. Through discussions about representations in a text, they examine the ways readers understand text considering its historical context, and social and cultural values. They also explore the text through the prism of their own cultural knowledge, experiences and understanding of the world, and extend their observations into analytical and abstracted explorations. In Study Area 2, students consider the way arguments are developed and delivered in many forms of media. Through the prism of a contemporary and substantial local and/or national issue, students read, view and listen to a range of texts that attempt to position an intended audience in a particular context. They explore the structure of these texts, including contention, sequence of arguments, use of supporting evidence and persuasive strategies. They closely examine the language and the visuals employed by the author, and offer analysis of the intended effect on the audience. Students apply their knowledge of argument to create a point of view text for oral presentation.
Unit 3: Reading and Responding to Texts / Creating Texts In Study Area 1, students are required to critically discuss how authors constructs meaning with respect to their contextual values, intended audience, presentation and language. In this area of study: - Students critically view a text with a focus on the characters (their motivations and relationships), settings, plot and the point of view. - They also consider how the ideas, concerns and conflicts within the text are influenced by the author's historical context and the existing values. - Students communicate these insights in analytical forms such as formal essays. In Study Area 2, students continue to develop their creative processes and writing skills. - Students use their assigned mentor texts to gain inspiration for their own writing. - They will acknowledge the role that their mentor texts played in their creative decisions. - They will reflect on the impace of their creative decisions on their audience, and how that was deliberately considered to serve a purpose.
Unit 4: Reading and Responding to Texts / Analysing Argument In Study Area 1, rather than just discussing the impact of the author's context on the text, this course prepares students to consider how the different audiences' contexts will shape their interpretation of the text. - Students further develop their reading and viewing skills. - Students refine their ability to present their ideas in essay form. - Their analysis should demonstrate a strong understanding of how language, context, values and structure intertwine to communicate nuanced meanings to different audiences. In Study Area 2, students analyse recent media publications on topical and/or controversial matters. - Students unpack the arguments presented in their contemporary text. - They will need to consdier how the text's language features and forms, and visuals are constructed to enhance the argument and influence the intended audience. - After viewing and evaluating a diverse range of views on a topic of their choice, students present their point of view in a mode that is most suitable for their context, purpose and intended audience.
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Mathematics pervades all aspects of our lives: as citizens, in our homes and in the workplace. It has applications in all human activities and provides a universal way of solving problems in diverse areas such as science and engineering, business and finance, technology, arts and crafts and many everyday activities. Competence in mathematics enhances both our understanding of the world and the quality of our participation in Australian society. Under the Victorian Curriculum in the Mathematics Learning Area, students in Years 7- 10 complete work from three areas of study: (i) Number and Algebra, (ii) Measurement and Geometry and, (iii) Statistics and Probability. As Mathematics is an integral part of all students’ education, the aim of the Mathematics Learning Area is to ensure maximum success and progress. Year 10 students may elect to participate in an advanced class called “Mathematical Reasoning”, where they will be further extended with topics aligning with the Mathematical Methods (CAS) and Specialist Mathematic courses.
Accreditation Period: 2023-2027
Mathematics is the study of function and pattern in number, logic, space and structure. It provides both a framework for thinking and a means of symbolic communication that is powerful, logical, concise and precise and a means by which people can understand and manage their environment. Essential mathematical activities include calculating, abstracting, proving, applying, investigating, modelling and problem-solving.
This study is designed to provide access to worthwhile and challenging mathematical learning in a way which takes into account the needs and aspirations of a wide range of students. It is also designed to promote students’ awareness of the importance of mathematics in everyday life in an increasingly technological society, and confidence in making effective use of mathematical ideas, techniques and processes.
All students in all the mathematical units offered will apply knowledge and skills, model, investigate and solve problems, and use technology to support learning mathematics and its application in different contexts.
There are no prerequisites for entry to Foundation Mathematics Units 1 and 2. Units 3 and 4 of a study are designed to be taken as a sequence.
Units 1 and 2: Foundation Mathematics Foundation Mathematics Units 1 and 2 focus on providing students with the mathematical knowledge, skills, understanding and dispositions to solve problems in real contexts for a range of workplace, personal, further learning, and community settings relevant to contemporary society. The areas of study are: - Algebra, number and structure; - Data analysis, probability and statistics; - Financial and consumer mathematics; and - Space and measurement
Units 3 and 4: Foundation Mathematics Foundation Mathematics Units 3 and 4 focus on providing students with the mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems in real contexts for a range of workplace, personal, further learning, community and global settings relevant to contemporary society. The areas of study for Units 3 and 4 are: - Algebra, number and structure; - Data analysis, probability and statistics; - Discrete mathematics; and - Space and measurement.
Explore Mathematics Career Pathways
Personal Development Skills
VCE Vocational Major Personal Development Skills (PDS) takes an active approach to personal development, self-realisation and citizenship by exploring interrelationships between individuals and communities. PDS focuses on health, wellbeing, community engagement and social sciences, and provides a framework through which students seek to understand and optimise their potential as individuals and as members of their community. This study provides opportunities for students to explore influences on identity, set and achieve personal goals, interact positively with diverse communities, and identify and respond to challenges. Students will develop skills in self-knowledge and care, accessing reliable information, teamwork, and identifying their goals and future pathways. PDS explores concepts of effective leadership, self-management, project planning and teamwork to support students to engage in their work, community and personal environments. Through self-reflection, independent research, critical and creative thinking and collaborative action, students will extend their capacity to understand and connect with the world they live in, and build their potential to be resilient, capable citizens.
Accreditation Period: 2023-2027
Contemporary society has complex and at times contrasting expectations of its citizens and communities. On the one hand there is the apparent ease of global communication and connectedness; on the other, there is evidence that many individuals feel socially isolated, alienated or unsafe. How can this be addressed? And how do we build and sustain civil, connected and forward-thinking communities?
VM Personal Development Skills enables students to explore and address important social challenges and questions. Who am I? What is community? How can we improve the health and wellbeing of individuals? What are my goals as an individual and as part of a community? How do I seek and critique reliable information? How do I build meaningful connections with others? What actions can be taken to respond to issues that affect us as a society?
Through independent and collaborative activities, PDS builds the capacity of students to set personal goals and participate in their communities with confidence, respect, safety and resilience.
Religious Education and community service components will feature in this area.
There are no prerequisites for Units 1 and 2. Unit 3 and Unit 4 will be undertaken sequentially.
Unit 1: Healthy Individuals This unit focuses on the development of personal identity and individual pathways to optimal health and wellbeing. It begins with concepts of personal identity and the range of factors that contribute to an individual’s perception of self and individual health and wellbeing. Students will use these findings to enhance an understanding of community cohesion, community engagement and how sense of identity may affect outcomes in different contexts. Students will investigate the elements of emotional intelligence and begin to develop an awareness of interrelationships between communities and the health and wellbeing of individuals. Students will investigate local health-promoting organisations and resources and play an active, participatory role in designing and implementing activities or mechanisms to improve health and wellbeing. This unit highlights the importance of critical and creative thinking and clear communication as individuals explore personal identity and the role of community. Students will examine relationships between technologies and health and wellbeing, and develop tools for analysing the reliability, validity and accuracy of information and the efficacy of health messages.
Unit 2: Connecting with Community This unit focuses on the benefits of community participation and how people can work together effectively to achieve a shared goal. It begins with definitions of community and different types of communities at a local, national and global level. Students will look at the relationships between active citizenship, empathy and connection to culture, and individual health and wellbeing. They will investigate the barriers and enablers to problem solving within the community. In the topic of community engagement, students will seek to understand different perspectives on issues affecting a community. They will reflect on relationships between community issues, social cohesion, and health and wellbeing, and the importance of clear information and communication. Students will investigate how communities may be called upon to support individual members and identify effective strategies for creating positive community change. They will plan, implement and evaluate an active response to an individual’s need for community support.
Unit 3: Leadership and Teamwork This unit considers the role of interpersonal skills and social awareness in different settings and contexts. Students will examine leadership qualities and the characteristics of effective leaders and how these qualities can be applied to the achievement of goals within personal and community contexts. They will explore key components of effective teamwork and reflect on how to lead and contribute within a team context through a collaborative problem-solving activity. Students will evaluate individual contribution as well as the overall effectiveness of the team.
Unit 4: Community Project This unit focuses on student participation in an extended project relating to a community issue. Students will identify environmental, cultural, economic and social issues affecting the community and select one for an extended community project. They will look at past approaches to the selected issue in Australia and elsewhere, consider how they will research information, and formulate an objective to achieve. Students will reflect on how community awareness of a selected issue can be improved. Students will engage in a process of planning, implementing and evaluating a response to a selected community issue. They will conduct research, analyse findings and make decisions on how to present work. Students will consider the key elements (such as emotional intelligence and effective team practices) and considerations (such as safety and ethics) when implementing a community project. Students will present project to an appropriate audience of peers or community members and evaluate the effectiveness of chosen response to the issue.
Work Related Skills
VCE Vocational Major Work Related Skills (WRS) examines a range of skills, knowledge and capabilities relevant to achieving individual career and educational goals. Students will develop a broad understanding of workplace environments and the future of work and education, in order to engage in theoretical and practical planning and decision-making for a successful transition to their desired pathway. The study considers four key areas: the future of work; workplace skills and capabilities; industrial relations and the workplace environment and practice; and the development of a personal portfolio. Students will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills gained from this study in the classroom environment and through Structured Workplace Learning (SWL).
Accreditation Period: 2023-2027
Students preparing to transition to the workforce and to further education are best placed for success when they have confidence, self-awareness and the skills to interpret relevant information and make informed decisions about their future goals.
In VM Work Related Skills, students will develop the knowledge, skills and experiences to be active and engaged citizens and future members of the workforce, with the ability to communicate effectively, advocate for themselves and be adaptable to change. The study of WRS leads to opportunities across all industries and areas of work as well as in further education, and provides young people with the tools they need to succeed in the future.
There are no prerequisites for entry to Units 1 and 2. Students must undertake Unit 3 and Unit 4 as a sequence.
Unit 1: Careers and Learning for the Future This unit recognises the importance of sourcing reliable information relating to future education and employment prospects to engage in effective pathway planning and decision-making. Students will investigate information relating to future employment, including entry-level pathways, emerging industries, and growth industries and trends, and evaluate the impact of pursuing employment in different industries. Students will reflect on this research in the context of their individual skills, capabilities and education and/or employment goals. They will develop and apply strategies to communicate their findings.
Unit 2: Workplace Skills and Capabilities As the nature of work changes over time, so do the skills and capabilities needed for success. Fundamental to achieving personal goals relating to future education and employment is the ability to recognise and develop individual skills and capabilities that are valued in a chosen pathway. In this unit, students will consider the distinction between essential employability skills, specialist and technical work skills and personal capabilities, and understand the importance of training and development to support the attainment and transferability of skills. Students will collect evidence and artefacts relating to their personal skills and capabilities and promote them through resumes, cover letters and interview preparation.
Unit 3: Industrial Relations, Workplace Environment and Practice This unit focuses on the core elements of a healthy, collaborative, inclusive and harmonious workplace and is separated into three main areas: - wellbeing, culture and the employee-employer relationship - workplace relations, and - communication and collaboration. Students will learn how to maintain positive working relationships with colleagues and employers, understanding the characteristics of a positive workplace culture and its relationship to business success. They will investigate key areas relating to workplace relations including methods for determining pay and conditions, workplace bullying, workplace discrimination, workplace harassment and dispute resolution. Students will discover how teamwork and communication skills contribute to healthy, collegiate and productive workplaces.
Unit 4: Portfolio Preparation and Presentation Portfolios are a practical and tangible way for a person to communicate relevant skills, experiences and capabilities to education providers and future employers. In this unit students will develop and apply their knowledge and skills relating to portfolios, including the features and characteristics of a high-quality physical and/or digital portfolio. The unit culminates in the formal presentation of a completed portfolio in a panel style interview and an evaluation of the end product.